
It’s Not Too Late to Revisit Your Goals & Hit Refresh on 2019

Fall is here and as you now head into the last quarter of the year you might be scratching your head wondering how is it already September (us too!)? Even so, there are ways to make sure you squeeze every last drop out of the remaining three months—especially if you feel like it's flown by! 

Fall is here and as you now head into the last quarter of the year you might be scratching your head wondering how is it already September (us too!)? Even so, there are ways to make sure you squeeze every last drop out of the remaining three months—especially if you feel like it's flown by! 

1. Dust Off Your Goals

If you set goals and intentions back in January—understand that 365 days is a long time to stay on track and falling off track is sometimes an inevitable part of life. If that’s happened to you; that’s okay. Take a moment to review what you committed to and then ask yourself the following questions: 

1) Which goals have you have already achieved (celebrate!)? 

2) Which goals are currently in progress and still matter to you? 

3) Which goals are no longer relevant or need to be paused/moved to next year’s goals? 

(If you didn’t create specific goals in the New Year don’t worry—it’s never too late to create some!)

2. Hit Refresh & Reprioritize  

Create your new list with the remaining critical goals listed out. Remember: it’s ok to wipe the slate clean at any time of the year and reprioritize if you need to.

3. What Do You Want to Cultivate More of in 2019?

So, you now have your list of refreshed goals, but it’s also a great opportunity to cultivate more of the good stuff! It’s easy to focus on what’s not working, but you can finish the year strongly by asking yourself (and making a list with your answers): 

  • What is going right in your life? 
  • What seems to be working well? 
  • What are you really enjoying? 

For example, maybe you’re loving going to yoga classes, meditating, finishing work on time, taking more vacations, saving money, having more family time or just generally feeling more refreshed. Anything goes so long as it’s working and you’ve made some forward progress—no matter how small!.

4. Set Your Positive Intention

Finally, based on your answers above—what intention could you set that helps you bring more of this goodness? Do you want to cultivate more energy, passion, balance, purpose, courage, resilience or gratitude? Choose a word or two that feels uplifting and write it down as your intention for the remainder of the year. For example: “My intention is to continue to bring an experience of inner balance and contentment to my work and life.

While we don’t have control over the obstacles life throws our way during the 365 days that make up a year—we can control the goals we hold close, our wider intentions, and our day-to-day actions. Make sure you take a moment to review how far you’ve come this year, feel excited by what’s left to experience, and enjoy every last drop that this year has to offer.

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